Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Dark Parables: Jack and the Sky Kingdom Collector's Edition

Game trial for 1 hour

Game summary:
The legendary Sky Kingdom suddenly appears and a destructive
barrage is unleashed upon an unsuspecting town.
Play as the Fairytale Detective and embark on an investigation
to rescue the townspeople. In this quest, you will meet Jack - an infamous treasure hunter
who shares a secret past with the Kingdom - and discover the tragic history behind the chaos.

My rating:

Map: Not as creative, it looks too simple.
Story: I liked the story, the Jack and the Beanstalk and falling Sky Kingdom.
Hidden object: I didn't really like their Hidden object puzzle
because it was like finding the pieces to put together in one piece.
I like my hidden object in words. I basically clicked
the ones that looked like an item that I need to find. It was boring.
Hint button: I had to press the hint button a lot of the times.
I played in normal mode, but there were a lot of times
where I didn't know where to go, it was frustrating.
Puzzles: Some were difficult, some were too easy. I pressed
the skip button like around 2-4 times.
Game design: It was pretty like a painting art piece, but I don't like
those type of games because sometimes it's hard to see the items.
There were some hidden items on the map that needed
to be added to your inventory, I had to press the hint button for this many times.
Collector's Edition: It was short, it wasn't really long. I don't think it's
worth to get the collector's edition, really. It's a waste of money for me.
Game Screenshots:

Monday, March 3, 2014

Mystery Trackers: Raincliff's Phantom Collector's Edition

Click here for the game's 1 hour trial
My Rating: 9/10
Bigfish SummaryNow you see us… now you don’t. It should have
been a lighthearted human interest story, but what Emilie White reported
on in this abandoned town scared her witless – and now she’s vanished.
Nobody can say what happened to her, and only a few
like you know the stories of invisible people living there are true...
Return to Raincliff, where what you see isn’t always what you get.
My Opinions: I enjoyed playing the game trial and also the full version including the
collector's edition. Some collector's editions that I played before
made me bored like I felt like I was about to give up on the game.
This game though, made me more interested. They made the
mystery more surprising. It's nothing twisted though. I would
definitely recommend you to buy the colletor's edition! I love
the character development in this game too. It reminded me of
Final Fantasy 13 game characters. The hidden object game
was fun too, I give it 9/10 because I wish you can do more with the
hidden object, like make it more hard to find.
The hidden object games were simple, not VERY simple, but takes you like 10 seconds
to find some of the items you are looking for. I have used hint button like twice.

And tips for you, Look out for those frog collection during the game. Although,
I don't know what you get from the game, I guess it's just for side quest.
I haven't collected all the frogs and after you finish the game,
you can't find the rest of the frogs. I think finding the frogs
was a challenge, but also entertains you to find something too along the way.

Is getting Collector's Edition worth it?
Yes! It's one of the games that I'm happy that I purchased!!
The Collector's Edition for this game might seem short for some people, but
I thought it was alright. I give it 9/10 for the Collector's Edition along with the full version!

Game Screenshots

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Danse Macabre: The Last Adagio Collector's Edition

Danse Macabre: The Last Adagio Collector's Edition

My Rating: 8/10
Bigfish SummaryGet into the theater and find a cast of ghosts all
trying to tell you something. Some of them are better at playing music
than talking, so this could take some digging on your part...
Save your sister from a decades-old curse so this doesn't become her last encore.
My Opinions: The puzzles can be difficult and you have to click
a lot of hints because I had troubles what to do next.
I really liked the game though, the concept, the story, the characters.
If you like ghost stories and finding out ghost's past stories,
you'll like this game. A little spooky, but not that spooky.
Amazing artwork in this game! This game reminded
me of the movie, Phantom of the Opera, but ballet style. 

And tips for you, don't forget to collect the roses in each of the map.
Plus there are some hidden objects that does not belong in the map.
There's lots of things to do in this game, which I really like.
You don't get anything from collecting over 40 roses though.

Is getting Collector's Edition worth it?
YES! Lots of doors to open. It felt like I purchased another game.
The story still continues, you're just trying to figure out the mystery behind Gasper and this guy name, Marcel?
Jealousy and death is what this game is basically about, the story itself.

Game Screenshots

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Myths of the World: Stolen Spring

Myths of the World: Stolen Spring
Myths of the World: Stolen Spring
My Rating: 8/10
Bigfish SummaryA cruel and cold Goddess of Winter has hijacked springtime,
and her victim has called on you for help. You'll be surprised by what you,
a lowly peasant, can do in the face of evil – and what cute little furry friends
you’ll meet along the way in 
Myths of the World: Stolen Spring.
♥My Opinions: The puzzles and the hidden objects are very easy.
I really liked the story, the voice actors did a good job. Everything
was magical and beautiful. It's like hunting for the evil version of
Elsa the Snow Queen and Jack Frost while you have the
spring brush to save spring from winter!

Is getting Collector's Edition worth it?
Well, the story is different. It's about the 2 gods fighting each other
over misunderstanding and you have to help them make peace with each other.
It wasn't really long either, I was hoping there was more, but it was short. 
I wouldn't say it's worth it, but the way they created the look
of heaven was beautiful! If you appreciate art and want to see
the wonders of extra art goodies, you could get it.
As for Collector's Edition, my rating would be like 7/10, just because
it was short and not long.

Game Screenshots